In 2016, Heery was selected to develop a comprehensive athletic master plan for UNT Athletics. Working a lead sports designer my team developed an 100 page Athletic Facilities Master Plan Report. The goals of the report were:
• To create a proactive 20-year road map for athletic facilities improvements and modernizations
• To establish a plan that is realistic, flexible and achievable
• To consolidate the current athletic facilities to a single precinct
• To accommodate considerations for an athletic conference realignment and resulting opportunities
• To enhance the public image that reflects the University’s brand
• To design a plan for individual facilities to accommodate strategic growth, while benchmarking against similar Conference and University standards

To achieve the goal of consolidation of the athletic facilities, the Athletic Facilities Master Plan is primarily focused on the development of a 200-acre site south of I-35E, known as the Eagle Point Campus (Figure 1.1) and Mean Green Village. The Master Plan locates all current and future anticipated sports to the Eagle Point campus, creating a cohesive Mean Green Sports Precinct, which is beneficial to enhance time in a student-athlete’s day, create a centralized recruiting path, establish a stronger brand for UNT Athletics, and maximize efficiencies through economies of scale for parking, maintenance, shared-use facilities and overall logistics. A program for each sports facility needs was developed, then each existing facility was analyzed for reuse, expansion, or re-purposing. New facilities were proposed as required to create a consolidated athletic village.